The Secret

I’ve only been married for fifteen years so I consider myself still pretty new at this. I’m definitely far from an expert. I decided to seek out some advice from those who have been down this road before me. The logical place to do quick research is to ask a question on Facebook. Within hours, I had dozens of people offering their advice. Here are a few of the responses:

Never go to bed angry with your partner, you may never know it was the last moment you have with them and you wouldn’t want your last thoughts of them to be an argument.             -Melissa, married 10 years

Even though life is super busy when you have a family make sure you spend time together just the two of you to stay connected.                                                                                    -Michelle, married 22 years

Remember that marriage, just as life, can be a rollercoaster at times, always stick it through the tough times as well as the good, marriage takes work, you are two separate people, coming together as one and always make God the center of your life.                                                                                                 -Dannelle, married 23 years

We are all human, be willing to forgive when your spouse hurts you. Always be willing to grow and change together.        -Aimee, married 20 years

We sit down and talk every day for about an hour! We talk through issues, set goals, and we keep open communication! We still enjoy date nights, weekend get-aways, we do things together! ALWAYS! Keep God in the center of your relationship!    -Margie, married 38 years

These things have kept us together–our common faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, lots of forgiveness and letting things go, lots of giving and receiving, always being open to learning–especially working on our own self instead of trying to change the other. It’s an ongoing process!!                                           -Janet, married 54 years

Bury the hatchet in the garden. Leave it there. Never bring up yesterday’s quarrel today! Keep moving in life.                 -Wanda, married 7 years

One word: honesty. It is the foundation for trust, communication, and for following God’s plan. Without it, everything from the point of the first lie falls under the category of “garbage in garbage out.” And believing your own lies is a dangerous road that should never be traveled.                        -Tom, married 28 years

Ladies, ALWAYS ask for help opening the pickle jar. Men, NEVER strain while opening it, no matter how hard it is to open… -John, married 12 years

These are just a sample of the responses I received. I saw time and time again, how the people who were married the longest mentioned that their success depended on God being the center of their relationship. Remind anyone of the relationship triangle? I agree with this advice wholeheartedly! I know it to be true because I have experienced it in my own life. Even now, when our relationship is finally standing on solid ground, I find example after example of how God has brought us through fire and is rebuilding something that never ceases to amaze me.

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